What it's REALLY like to live with a Special Educational Need

So, I've been wanting to write this one for a while, but have been unsure how to write it, as I will have lots of ex-colleagues who may well be reading this. I'm going to try and be 'positively' realistic - if that's actually a phrase! Dyspraxia is one of those that some of you may know a little about, but might confuse it with dyslexia. For those of you that have't heard of dyspraxia at all, the best way to describe it (without using any dictionary definitions) is as a struggle with co-ordination, spacial awareness, and a different way of thinking- how we process the information around us, and given to us. While I was still working as a Learning Support Assistant, my colleagues put on a video in an assembly about autism. The narrator asked, 'Is the wold too bright, too loud and too fast?' This made me really stop and think about who I am, and how my dyspraxia affects me. My answer to this question is- YES. The worl...