When Travel Doesn't Quite Work Out

Until now, I've never really had a travel experience that didn't quite work. Sure, Camp America was hard work, but I completed the season as a counsellor with great pride, and loved my two weeks of travelling after camp. I've enjoyed all my family holiday's in Europe...my teaching in Slovenia and Thailand. In fact, Thailand was my inspiration for returning to South East Asia. I remember every day being a Good Day- I also remember thinking, how has every day of this trip been so amazing? Over the last couple of days, I've been scrolling through blogs about what happens to travellers who have 'bad experiences'- I've also seen travel bloggers on instagram ask fellow travellers, 'What's the one country you didn't like, but everyone else loved?' (Check out travel blogger the WanderingQuinn) This question really struck me as to what I've been feeling recently since returning to the UK from...