Feeling lost in this world? You could be an Old Soul

Okay, so spirituality isn't for everyone. In fact, not everyone participates in self-care, either. Not properly, anyway. I don't know about you, and your experiences, but I've always felt different from everybody else- and until recently, I've found it so hard to come up with reasons as to why I've struggled so much in various aspects of my life. For starters, my health is not the same as everybody else's. As a child and teenager, I was bullied in school (verbally) and all my school reports said the same thing- Rosie needs to put her hand up more in class. I was always the quiet one. As I developed, I was able to make a few very close friends. However, I have often felt very socially anxious - especially if I'm in a group of people of up to more than four - especially so if they are people of a similar age. You'll often finding me sitting or standing slightly outside of any kind of social circle- even now. I even transferred universities after the secon...