Rhetorical Questions: What's the best thing about being a woman?

 Recently at my drama school, there was a poster up on the toilet doors (on the inside, yes!) asking, "What is the best thing about being a woman?"

It was probably up for about a month or so. 

Yet, only ONE person had written on any of the posters that had been stuck up. The answer was:


So basically, their body.

But what does this mean?

Firstly, I was shocked that only one person had written anything. Secondly, that the only thing

that person could reply was that their body was the best thing about being female. 

I've noticed, particularly over the course of 2020 (the year of doom) or at least I feel- do

we, as women, talk enough to each other about being women?

2020 has been a year of constant health worries for everyone, all genders alike. 

There are certain aspects of my health as a woman that I've really struggled with, emotionally as well as


But it's only since opening up and talking to my friends about these issues, that I've been able to find out that there ARE other women in a similar boat. 

I don't know what it's like for men. Do you guys talk? Do you guys share 

worries about health?

While we are in a global health crisis, which has seriously impacted the mental health service, it makes

me wonder whether anyone talks openly enough to each other- not just professionals. 

Why are we so afraid of opening up and telling each other our worries and fears? 

What if we all have burning health concerns we really need to talk about,

that could really help people in terms of knowing that they are not


Is it because we are so afraid now of being vulnerable?

Have women given up fighting the system? Do we still feel unsupported?

Now I invite you to finish this post- how do you feel about being your gender? What more

can be done to improve for both men and women?

How can we answer the unanswered question which has lead to this unanswered blog?

Only you can answer! 😘


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