The Western World: A negative Culture?

Once again, Boris Johnson has claimed that obesity is a massive problem in the UK. Watching the news headlines over the last couple of weeks, has made me really question the Western ways of life, and our culture as a whole. For some reason, the coronavirus has hit the West pretty awfully. But why - is it the way our government have handled the pandemic? Is it our possible lack of cleanliness that we hadn't realised before? (Which is ironic, because a doctor in Vietnam commented that I had come from a clean country!) Is it our 'over- confidence' in the NHS? Or have we developed other deeper habits that have affected us, without us even noticing? Vietnam have only had 300 cases, and ALL of them survived. So where have we gone wrong? As I listened to a radio discussion yesterday about various current political topics, including obesity, I wondered if we have created a nega...