The Western World: A negative Culture?

Once again, Boris Johnson has claimed that
 obesity is a massive problem in the UK.

Watching the news headlines over the last couple of weeks,
 has made me really question 
the Western ways of life, and our culture as a whole. 

For some reason, the coronavirus has hit the West pretty awfully. But why - 
is it the way our government have handled the pandemic?

Is it our possible lack of cleanliness that we hadn't realised before?
 (Which is ironic, because a doctor in Vietnam commented 
that I had come from a clean country!)

Is it our 'over- confidence' in the NHS?

Or have we developed other deeper habits that have affected us, 
without us even noticing?

Vietnam have only had 300 cases, and ALL of them survived. 

So where have we gone wrong?

As I listened to a radio discussion yesterday about various current political topics, 
including obesity, I wondered if we have created a negative culture.

Maybe by some way of our government, but mostly 
through having a negative relationship with ourselves and how we see this country- 
and how we see the rest of the world. 

For starters, we have a very negative relationship with food. 

Not just people with underlying health conditions- 
but the country as a whole. Fast foods, snacking foods, cafe culture, indulging- 
is this a need, or a want, and how can we change our 
mindset when it comes to our eating habits?

Maybe chocolate and fast food should be seasonal- for Easter and Christmas
. Promote healthy eating as a fun and positive thing to do.

But it's not just food I'm thinking about. 

It's the relationships we're having within ourselves, 
with each other, with the government WE have voted for. 

For example- constantly making comparisons.
 Comparing each other... comparing data from this country against other countries. 

Constantly discussing what has gone wrong, 
rather than discussing what we could now be doing to make things right. 

Perhaps instead of always looking at the past, we should be
 focusing on moving forward, how we can progress. 

How we can become more compassionate human beings?

Having positive conversations, rather than complaining- 
complaining is easy, but positiveness is hard.

Maybe it's not down to individual people making their 
own positive journeys, but the West as a collective. 

It's not just our governments that determine our lives and our mindsets -
 (okay okay, they have to set the rules!) -  
it's us, and the decisions we make, the thought patterns we choose. 

Let's love ourselves, each other, and create a positive future
 for our youngest generations. 



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